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海南博泰隆房地产开发有限公司2025-01-09 01:33:56【热点】4人已围观
简介It i not eay to chooe a favorite cla. However, while I find many of my coure intereting, my favorite 98堂充值
Firt8堂充 unlike other cla,最喜作文 poken Englih cla i free to talk. In the cla, we can talk any topic, it i no need to it ilently, the aim of the cla i to peak, tudent are encouraged to give their idea freely. The tudent and the teacher give reaction to each other, we will not be leepy eaily.
Second, a the cla i much free to talk, tudent won’t feel embarraed when they are making mitake. When we are having other cla, we need to anwer the teacher’ quetion, if we give the wrong anwer, we will feel dimay, but in the poken Englih cla i different, the more we ay, the better, becaue practice mean perfect, no one will laugh at the mitake.
It i not eay to chooe a favorite cla. However8tang充值 while I find many of my coure intereting, my favorite cla i poken Englih cla. The reaon why I like the cla are variou.
I like poken Englih cla, every time when I have the cla, I feel eay and happy to learn. I don’t have preure to make mitake, becaue all of u will do, only practice make perfect.
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